
Mental Health matters at every age

During Mental Health Awareness Week (May 13-19th), it is important to recognise that mental health is just as significant as physical health, no matter your age.  

Here at Delta Wellbeing, we understand that older adults face various mental health challenges, which was one of the key considerations when we developed Delta CONNECT

It is designed to help meet the needs of both you and your loved ones. It includes regular wellbeing calls, which can be scheduled depending on your need—weekly, monthly, or quarterly. These calls give you a caring space to chat about your thoughts and feelings, ensuring you get the right support at the right time. 

Here are some tips for nurturing mental wellbeing:  

  1. Stay connected: Keep in touch with friends, family, or local groups through calls, video chats, or meet-ups.

  2. Prioritise self-care: Do things that make you happy and relaxed, like reading, yoga, or being outdoors.

  3. Try mindfulness: Use simple techniques like deep breathing or meditation to reduce stress and feel more balanced.

  4. Stay active: Regular exercise, like walking or gardening, is good for your body and boosts your mood. 

  5. Keep your mind busy: Do puzzles, read, or learn something new to keep your brain sharp and help delay potential memory issues. 

Our CONNECT package offers personalised support to help you participate in activities important to your wellbeing. Whether you connect with community groups, attend gardening or dancing clubs, or simply stay connected with family and friends, we are here to help combat loneliness and isolation. 

Remember, taking care of your mental health is important, and it is okay to ask for help when you need it. We are here to support you every step of the way. 

Let us prioritise mental wellbeing together. 

Find out more about the CONNECT package. 

Helpful resources: