Tell us how you have found your experience using our vital service. Your views are important to us to ensure we continue to deliver the best service to support your individual needs to ensure you can live as independently as possible giving your family complete peace of mind…
Read on to find out what our customers have to say about their experiences…
Social worker - January 2023
"I would just like to pass on my thanks to Alex for his support today. I have been supporting a gentleman to come home from hospital today (at short notice) from a placement as his care package was starting this evening. Alex showed a great deal of patience and perseverance with a family member who was putting barriers up to prevent a return home. Thanks to Alex’s reassurance and prompt provision of emergency equipment, a delayed discharge has been prevented."
Customer - November 2022
Customer - July 2022
A Delta CONNECT client's daughter has thanked us for the outstanding work we do. Her father had a fall last week after choking on his food. He activated his alarm in which we escalated the call to the ambulance service who attended and carried out CPR. She said the service had saved his life and just shows how vital it really is in making a difference.
Customer - June 2022
A Delta CONNECT client sent her sincere thanks for the support she received during her recovery from her hip operation. She said, “I feel like I know you all. I once saw a group of Angels sent from Heaven. I know now that it was all of you in Delta.”