01 March 2021
Delta Wellbeing response service receives Care Inspectorate Wales registration
Delta Wellbeing’s response service is now registered with Care Inspectorate Wales as a domiciliary support service, the first of its kind in Wales.
As the regulator of social care in Wales, Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) registers good quality care services while improving the quality of services for the wellbeing of the people of Wales.
The community response team is an integral part of Delta CONNECT, a wraparound support service which provides 24/7 monitoring to clients across Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire, and Ceredigion. As well as the 24/7 emergency response service, it also includes proactive wellbeing calls, and bespoke Technology Enabled Care (TEC) equipment.
Delta Wellbeing’s TEC packages include a lifeline alarm so that people can get help just at the touch of a button, and a range of assistive technology equipment tailored to the customer’s needs, such as GPS tracking watches, epilepsy sensors, medication dispensers, door sensors, bed sensors, digital tablets, and more. The service can provide a digital solution to almost any condition or need.
The Community Response team responds when a client has raised the alarm via the TEC within their homes.
Working with Carmarthenshire County Council and Hywel Dda University Heath Board, the team also supports patients to return home from hospital by providing care for a short period of time until reablement or long-term providers can be found; and provides an emergency response or bridging service to families who are struggling to care for their loved ones whilst they await further assessments, increases in care provision, or just need additional short-term social care support. If there are any concerns regarding care breakdown, sudden deterioration, crises, or concerns over the level of care required—the 24/7 rapid response team is dispatched to support during this time.
To see the most recent inspection report visit www.careinspectorate.wales.
For more information about the service email info@deltawellbeing.org.uk or call 0300 333 2222.