22 September 2022
How to prevent falls in older adults: simple changes to keep your loved ones safe
We all want to remain as independent as possible as we enter our golden years. Although unfortunately, many older people can begin experiencing falls and trips while going about their daily activities. Of course, this can put them at a great deal of risk. In fact, the government suggests that around one-third of older adults over the age of 65 experience falls, and this jumps to over half by the age of 80. As such, the importance of taking steps to reduce the risk of falls in the older population is vital. But how can you go about this, and are falls genuinely avoidable?
Is it possible to help prevent falls among the older population?
Supporting the prevention of falls in older adults is entirely attainable. While older adults are at greater risk of falls, that doesn’t mean this has to be an inevitability. In fact, with a few simple lifestyle changes, you can ensure falls don’t become a significant issue in your life.
How to reduce the risk of falls in older adults
How can we go about reducing the risk of falls among the older population? Well, there are several excellent options you could consider here, and we recommend that you consider these carefully for the best results.
#1 Stay active
One of the most vital tips we can give to reduce the risk of falls in older adults is to stay active. Staying active is a simple but highly effective way to keep your muscles working and strong, even as you approach your golden years. In doing so, it becomes much easier to remain stable while walking around compared to if you don’t get out and about very much.
At Delta Wellbeing, we support this through pro-active pathways of support through our falls prevention programme where our Delta CONNECT clients are assessed and can be provided free exercise opportunities and educational sessions covering key topics such as nutrition, home safety, podiatry needs, and ongoing support throughout their journey.
#2 Ensure your eyesight is working
A common cause of falls and trips among elderly people is poor depth perception and blurred eyesight, both of which can substantially predispose you to falling over. As such, the importance of regular eye testing – and investing in a suitable pair of glasses, if necessary – is vital to help reduce the risk of falls among older adults in the population.
#3 Implement technologies to reduce the risk of slips and falls
While many people in the older generation are reluctant to embrace modern technology, it’s more important than ever if you’re at risk of falls and trips. Technologies such as bed and chair sensors, motion sensors, and fall detectors help reduce the risk of falls being a major danger; meanwhile, an intelligent fall pendant allows the user to rapidly request help, should they need it.
Our Technology Enabled Care (TEC) devices can reduce the level of risk associated with falling over and can provide peace of mind that they can have help when they need it from the comfort of their own home.
#4 Always stand up slowly
Standing up quickly can be a major risk for many people, and this is even more true for the older population. As such, to reduce the dangers of falling over or getting dizzy, we strongly recommend to always stand up slowly – no matter how much of a rush you’re in!
#5 Don’t be afraid to use an assisted walking device
There is no shame in using an assisted walking device to help you get around if you so need it. Simple tools such as a walking stick or crutch can go a long way towards making you more stable, especially after a previous fall.
#6 Consult a medical professional
Even if a non-injurious fall occurs, it is always important to inform your doctor. They can assess if it is an effect of any medication or health problem and can provide support such as physical therapy in order to prevent further falls in the future.
Final thoughts
As we age, avoiding falls can naturally become a little more difficult. However, older adults don’t have to just accept falls as a fact of life, and there are plenty of simple tips and preventative methods that can help. So, why not implement some of today’s ideas to help make your life a little safer and retain your independence – it’s amazing how much difference a few simple changes could make.