
Connect to Wellbeing app

Track your wellbeing at the touch of a button with our new Connect to Wellbeing app which is supporting the wellbeing of individuals across Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire and Ceredigion.

Funded by the Welsh Government’s Transformation Fund, the easy-to-use downloadable Connect to Wellbeing app is a personalised wellbeing planning tool that can be used by yourself to help you measure your own wellbeing.

The app is one of the tools being used by a range of programmes delivered through Transformation across the west Wales region to help individuals and providers understand how their services impact upon an individual’s wellbeing.

The app itself allows you to self-assess your wellbeing in six key areas, then provides feedback on how you could improve in these areas. This includes Feeling okay, Making use of what I’ve got, Having the right help, Being part of something, Doing things that matter to me and Looking after myself.

Once you complete your assessment you will get helpful tips for improving your wellbeing, can set yourself individual goals and action plans for enhancing your wellbeing and be able to access links to various resources which can help you achieve wellbeing aims.

You can repeat your assessment regularly to track your wellbeing over time. As our wellbeing changes in response to different events and circumstances re-assessing your wellbeing regularly will help you to focus on key aspects of your wellbeing which may be affected differently at different times.

Speaking about the app, West Wales Regional Partnership Board Chair Judith Hardisty said, “The Connect to Wellbeing app is a personalised tool to help you understand, track and improve your overall wellbeing. It links people with appropriate resources, information sources and community-based groups that can help them improve their wellbeing and helps them focus on specific areas where they believe they need additional support to help them achieve their goals.

“It helps individuals to build better habits that will lead to real, sustained change. This app is an incredibly valuable tool which will be of much benefit to individuals across south west Wales and I would encourage people to explore its potential in enhancing their  overall wellbeing and tracking their journey and progress.”

Regional partners will continue to work together to regularly update the app with the latest information or support services available within each locality.

The Connect to Wellbeing app forms part of the Healthier West Wales programme, overseen by the Regional Partnership Board which brings together Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire County Councils, Hywel Dda University Health Board, County Voluntary Services Councils for the three counties, the independent sector and users and carers. The Healthier West Wales programme is funded through the Welsh Government’s Transformation Fund.

Download the Connect to Wellbeing app from Google Play or the Apple App Store to help improve your wellbeing today.  


For further details about the Connect to Wellbeing app or additional support services available in your local area visit: